"whoever lays his hand on me to govern me is a usurper and a tyrant ; I declare him to be enemy...
Government of man by man is slavery. Its laws are cobwebs for the rich and chains of steel for the poor.
To be governed is to be watched, inspected, spied on, regulated, indoctrinated, preached, at controlled, ruled, censored by persons who have neither wisdom nor virtue. It is in every action and transaction to be registered, stamped, taxed, patented, licensed, assessed, measured, reprimanded, corrected, frustrated. Under pretext of the public good it is to be exploited, monopolized, embezzled, robbed, and then, at the least protest or word of complaint, to be fined, harassed, vilified, beaten up, bludgeoned, disarmed, judged, condemned, imprisoned, shot, garrotted, deported, sold, betrayed, swindled, deceived, outraged, dishonoured. That"s government, that’s its justice, that’s its morality ! And imagine that among us there are democrats who believe government to be good, socialists who in the name of liberty, equality, fraternity support this ignominy, proletarians who offer themselves
candidates for President of the Republic ! What hypocrisy !"
Pierre Proudhon, 1848